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Susty Summit 6, did you miss it?

On April 22nd, BYBI’s 6th Susty Summit went digital and even more importantly, global. Celebrating 50 years of Earth Day, BYBI Co-founders Elsie and Dominika wanted to take 50 mins to celebrate and discuss why Earth Day should in fact be EVERY DAY!

Joined by environmental reporter, journalist and author, Lucy Siegle and research programme coordinator at Project Drawdown, Catherine Foster, the panel got together and discussed ways in which you as an individual can make a difference to our planet. Sharing tangible hacks and facts across 5 key areas that anyone (and we mean anyone) can easily introduce and implement to everyday life. To make sure Earth Day really is every day and help beat the climate crisis, because together, we can. 

Sounds great doesn’t it? You can watch the webinar recording below, but to get the full experience we'd recommend signing up to our emails to receive the presentation, which includes all the facts and hacks. Here's a little taster. 

Sign up to our email list below to receive the full presentation.