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5 Ways To Keep Your Cool On Christmas Day

Look don’t get us wrong, we love Christmas as much as the next person, but we’ll also be the first to admit that between all the mince pies & your grandad’s snores, it can be pretty trying. Sure, spending time with your family is great, but it also brings a significant risk of regressing back to adolescence. If you do feel yourself slipping, here are our tips on how to avoid boiling point this Christmas.

Tips for surviving Christmas

(Image cred: @hers)

  1. DON’T wrap your presents before you arrive home, this will give you an excuse to lock yourself in your room for an hour or two. People will respect this as they don’t want to be accused of ruining Christmas & spoiling the surprise.

  2. Get noise cancelling headphones from Father Christmas this year? Lucky you! Try them out ALL day. People will leave you to it because they’ll just be so happy to see you enjoying your gift. If they do try & interrupt, you won’t be able to hear them anyway.

  3. Every time your mum / aunt / grandma asks you WHY you’re still single, count to ten, take a few deep breaths and reply calmly stating that you’re now ‘self-partnered’. The millennial vernacular will throw them off for a few seconds, giving you plenty of time to escape.

  4. Remember how annoyed you used to get as a kid when your older relatives would fall asleep mid afternoon? I mean, how could they? IT’S CHRISTMAS. Well, 20 years on we like to see this 1-2 hour period as a blessing. Use this time to pour yourself a drink, read a book & enjoy some well deserved solitude. When they finally wake up from stuffing induced slumber, you’ll be chipper & chill af.

  5. This one isn’t for the faint-hearted but, if you’re feeling brave, taking on chef duties guarantees you respect & alone time. Fact: NO ONE can have a go at the chef. Dad getting under your feet? Mum fussing? Tell them to leave the room. Again, they’ll have to obey because they won’t want to be accused of ruining Christmas.

If things get a little too much, we hope these tips give you the tools you need to keep your cool, whatever Christmas throws you at you. Jokes aside, if you feel blue or overwhelmed, remember to be kind to yourself & that plenty others feel exactly like you. Breathe, it’s only a day.