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5 Unexpected Benefits of Going Natural

There are endless surprising benefits when it comes to using all-natural beauty products, but for now, here's my top five:

{ Natural skincare can improve acne }

I decided to switch to all-natural beauty products after struggling with hormonal acne for a number of years. During this time I spent a small fortune on chemical-heavy products to find that they only aggravated my skin further. Going natural was kind of a last resort, but to my amazement it actually worked! Once I removed synthetic ingredients from my skincare routine, my blemishes reduced significantly and I found that my skin was way more calm and manageable. Although I still get flare ups from time to time, I no longer panic because I now have skincare that I can rely on, which is half the battle won when it comes to acne.

{ There's no need to compromise }

I think that there's a common misconception that natural beauty products aren't as effective as chemical-based beauty products. I am here to tell you that this is not true - there is no need to compromise when going natural. In my opinion, the natural beauty industry is - as Love Islanders would say - FIRE. There are so many amazing brands out there as well as loads of information to support plant-based ingredients. From skincare to make-up to deodorant and haircare, there are all kinds of effective natural substitutes that can easily rival non-natural beauty brands.

{ Brands are starting to catch on }

It certainly feels as though green beauty is having a moment. Millennials are increasingly conscious about what goes into their products, which is creating a real demand for natural and organic beauty. Over the past few years, loads of cool green beauty brands have popped up, while mainstream brands are starting to add more plant-based products to their ranges. I think it’s safe to say that this is only the beginning for the natural beauty industry.

{ The Instagram community is booming }

Something that I really didn't expect is how many bloggers/Instagrammers are talking about natural beauty products. The Instagram community is huge and there are some really informed influencers out there. I've also discovered some amazing brands on Instagram (including BYBI) so I'd definitely recommend exploring social media and checking out the #greenbeauty hashtag.

{ It’s better for our bodies and the planet }

Many of the chemicals found in mainstream beauty products are known to be irritant - or worse - carcinogenic. These ingredients can interfere with the body's natural rhythm and affect our long-term health. Luckily, this is not the case with natural beauty products. On the contrary, natural products tend to support our heath in nourishing our skin and bodies.

In addition to natural products being better for our bodies, they are also better for the planet. By reducing the levels of toxic chemicals in our beauty regimes, we are reducing the levels of chemicals in the environment and therefore preventing the loss of wildlife and marine life. So if you're not doing it for you - do it for the animals!

– Becca of @thingsthatgrowblog